How you can help
The Cobb County PARKS Dept. does not have any funding at this time to do any enhancements to the park. The county has proposed a $1 million allocation from an upcoming SPLOST referendum, earmarked to build the restrooms, a parking lot, and work on trails. But even if the SPLOST passes, it may still be years before those items get built.
In the meantime, there are ways we can begin working on the park. Stay in touch by following us on Facebook and Instagram (Friends of Kemp) to watch for announcements about our upcoming volunteer work days, and by subscribing to our newsletter. Also, donations are ALWAYS welcome in order to begin some projects – any size donation helps! Contact us at with any questions or suggestions. Here is a list of project possibilities, from small to gigantic, with some estimates:
Small improvements:
Commercial grade garbage can and liners ($250 - $450)
Commercial grade recycling can and liners ($250 - $450)
Build a “Little Lending Library”
Build bluebird houses
Volunteer opportunities:
Work at a work day
Monitor doggie bag device
Monitor garbage can until PARKS Dept can take over
Monitor recycling can and periodically take to recycling station
Monitor the Little Lending Library
Monitor the bluebird houses
Opportunities for Scouts or handy volunteers:
Build picnic tables and benches (PARKS Dept has blueprints for these)
Build information kiosk (PARKS Dept has blueprints for these)
Assist the County with any trail construction
Larger projects:
Add wrought-iron fence around Kemp Family cemetery
Portable restrooms ($200 - $500 per month)
Build a parking area