Letter introducing Friends of Kemp Park

Friends of Kemp Park announced its status as a Georgia non-profit corporation to Cobb County PARKS and District One Commissioner Kelli Gambrill on 18 May 2019…

Dear Director Gisi and Commissioner Gambrill,

We are happy to let you know that the Friends of Kemp Park has been officially established as a Georgia non-profit corporation, and we would like to introduce our organization as a partner of the people of Cobb County and the Cobb County PARKS department. Our mission as Friends of Kemp Park is: 

Support Cobb County PARKS by fostering community relationships and corporate partnerships as we strive to protect, preserve, and enhance the natural character of Kemp Park for the greatest benefit of Cobb County residents. 

We are excited to begin a long-term partnership with the county and its park-going residents. Based on community feedback compiled from the Master Plan Input Meeting on 2/13/19, we would like to help build momentum for protecting and preserving the Kemp Park property and be an advocate for the majority of the community. Our short-term priorities are to help ensure safe access, build a volunteer base, and encourage environmentally friendly experiences in this natural greenspace. 

We have created a website, a Facebook page, and an Instagram account and are ready to communicate with residents who have expressed interest in joining the Friends of Kemp Park group. 

It would help us tremendously if you would keep us informed of the progress on the Master Plan and any future public meetings. We are aware that residents are using the property, and we would like to better understand the county’s plan for management before communicating with our membership. 

We look forward to partnering with the PARKS department and being involved with the Kemp property. Please contact us if there is anything we can do to help you.  


Peggy Ashley, President                     

Lance Isakson, Vice President            

Annabeth Purcell, Secretary               

Allen DeNyse, Member at Large